Economic mobile caterpillar crane CMC-500 load-carrying capacity of 500 tons with 7 section telescopic boom


Photo 1. The mobile crane with a telescopic arrow load-carrying capacity of 500 tons of firm Liebherr LTM1500 (the basic section with a telescopic boom and basic rotary circle on the wheel chassis)   Photo 2. The caterpillar crane load-carrying capacity of 400 tons with a trellised basic boom of firm Liebher LR1400/2-W
Caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500 has inherited from mobile crane LTM1500 with the wheel chassis: Caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500 has inherited from caterpillar crane Liebherr LR1400/2-W:

The Put in pawn principles

Caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500 was created for a wide range of jobs in zones of disasters, with possibility of its transportation evacuation amphibians with cargo hold in total length of 18,3 metres. Thus, the crane should have possibility:

The Realized characteristics

Photo 3. Caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500 load-carrying capacity of 500 tons with 7 section telescopic boom, a hook load-carrying capacity of 63 tons and a counterbalance in 15 tons at movement on a sandy ground

The main transport section of caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500, and also initial working configuration of mobile crane CMC-500 has dimensions 18,3õ3õ4 metre (the photo 3 see).

This initial working section of the crane in a transport status can independently be loaded into transport plane AN-124 "Ruslan" and is independent be unloaded from it.

Also this transport section of crane CMC-500 can independently be loaded into the cargoship with horizontal loading on ramp and is independent be unloaded from a vessel.

Transported blocks of crane CMC-500 can be transported on a railway platform not leaving for a universal railway dimension of the European Union countries (width of blocks no more than 3 metres).

At length of the main transport section of crane CMC-500 in 18,3 metres, the minimum dimensional radius of turn of this section is 10 metres. At the first prototype (mobile crane LTM1500), at length of 21,4 metres the minimum dimensional radius of turn makes 16,4 metres. Also crane CMC-500 can move across a direction of the main axis of transport section, realising so-called "a crab course". Such characteristics of crane CMC-500 define its high manoeuvrability in the constrained conditions.

Caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500 has system active horizontalizing - stabilisation of horizontal position of a rotary platform. It provides increase of stability of the crane, especially at installation of heavy cargoes at the big height. Also it promotes maintenance of stable position of the crane at movement of the crane with cargo.

Crane CMC-500 has caterpillar mover with small intrinsic losses on a friction and small dynamic loadings. It allows transport section to move with the caterpillar chassis on roads with a firm covering with a speed about 60 km at an o'clock, using the same established capacity of engines, as at the first prototype (mobile crane LTM1500).

Each caterpillar module has many basic skating rinks. Basic skating rinks have elastic and the fully articulated suspension. Basic skating rinks in regular intervals pass vertical loading from the caterpillar module to a ground. Between basic skating rinks and a ground the basic site of a caterpillar takes places. The basic site consists from tracks. Tracks are connected among themselves in a chain design, flexible in a vertical direction. The basic site of a caterpillar increases the area of influence of basic skating rinks by a ground. Thus tracks a basic site of a caterpillar smoothly lean against roughness’s of soil. It allows realizing high coupling properties of the caterpillar module with a ground. Uniform transfer of vertical loadings, at realization of traction properties track movers, promotes reduction of local shifts of a ground. Such soft action new track mover on a ground promotes safety of surfaces on which the caterpillar module moves. It, for example, saves railway rails at their cross-section moving by the caterpillar module.

Everyone track of caterpillars has the polyurethane protector. The bottom surface of a protector of track is basic, and lateral surfaces serve as spur. Basic surfaces of a protector pass vertical loading from a basic skating rink to a firm road surfacing. As at the caterpillar module it is a lot of basic skating rinks, loading on a basic part of protectors of caterpillars the small. Average specific pressure of a protector of a caterpillar, for example, on asphalt, more low, than a protector of the wheel chassis.

Average specific pressure of a basic surface of caterpillars of crane CMC-500 on the soft or humidified ground does not exceed 1 kg on square see, that does not exceed pressure upon a ground of caterpillars at the second prototype - Liebherr LR1400.2-W (look a photo 2).

Crane CMC-500 at the expense of promotion of six sections of a telescopic arrow can lift cargo of 20 tons on height of 84 metres. With an additional trellised arrow crane CMC-500 can lift cargo in 6 tons on height of 126 metres, helping in installation wind-electric set.

Crane CMC-500 has an electric (preferably) or hydrovolume drive of the majority of mechanisms.

Crane CMC-500 has a digital control system of movement of all mechanisms, and also the computerised system of diagnostics of the basic mechanisms, systems and designs.

Crane CMC-500 quickly is assemble and disassemble. Time of mechanical assemblage of blocks of a configuration of the crane for lifting of loads in weight of 6 tons on height of 126 metres makes about 1 hour, plus time on reeving of ropes and adjustment of control systems.

Crane CMC-500 has high stability against overturning in all ranges of load-carrying capacity and hook starts.

Crane modules easily are going to with use of the automated operations.

Effective scopes

Caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500 can independently move on roads of the general using not breaking transport movement. Also crane SMS500 can freely move on soft, sated with water grounds (where cranes on the wheel chassis even with tyres of the raised passableness cannot move).

The episode of an unloading of caterpillar mobile crane SMS500 from cargo hold of an amphibian on ramp at sea coast is more low resulted.

Photo 4. Caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500 load-carrying capacity of 500 tons, having length of 18,3 metres, leaves cargo branch of amphibian À480 on ramp around an unloading of containers with building materials

Effective scopes

High manoeuvrability of caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500 on platforms and access roads, possibility of fast formation of a working status of the crane and fast returning in a transport status allow to use more effectively the crane within the big working platform, and also to serve more number of objects in calendar year. It provides profit increase at crane operation in calendar year.

Modularity the caterpillar mobile crane CMC-500, responding modern lines by shipping possibilities and simplification of a assembling and disassembling, allows to modernise effectively modules, operatively to form new updatings of the crane, reducing expenses for designing and manufacturing of new generations of the crane.

Presence of the digital computerised control system by the crane as a whole and its separate mechanisms allows to improve constantly algorithms of management of systems, reducing intrinsic losses in mechanisms of the crane and raising safety of operation of the crane in various conditions of operation.


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